Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gorwth will come

The God who began a good work in you will it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ( Philippians 1:6)

Maturing physically is often frustrating for kids. Young children are eager to be taller, stronger, faster. They struggle to do things that are beyond their ability, as if they yearn to be more highly developed but just aren't there yet. Progress seems so gradual, it is almost immeasurable. Sometimes they despair of ever growing up.
Their parents reassure them that the process takes time. They remind their impatient youngsters that it can't be forced and encourage them to cooperate with nature by practicing the habits that foster growth - eating well, exercising regularly, getting sufficient sleep. "Have a little faith," parents say. "Growth will come."
Maturing spiritually can be just as frustrating for Christians. It's discouraging when you know where God wants you to be, you have a great desire to be more holy and good, you even practice the spiritual disciplines, but nothing seems to be happening. The whole process is confusing. You realize that holiness begins and ends with God's grace and that your part is merely to cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work. Yet like a child trying to assist in the kitchen, you are often not sure when you are being helpful and when you are just getting in the way. It's tempting to give up.
What a blessing it is to remember that no matter how disheartened you become about your walk with the Lord, no matter how certain you are that you will never make it. God will never give up on you. He is loyal to His children and His promises, and He has sworn to uphold you throughout your journey till one day you stand before Him completely sanctified (See Jude 1:24-25). Imagine your joy in that moment when God smiles and says, "Look at you, all grown up!"


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