Friday, March 30, 2007

Spiritual freedom

If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31-32)

Spiritual freedom could be described as the ability to think and act without external or internal compulsions. This is not meant to suggest that we can live without any pressures in our lives or that we can live as libertines without reference to the consequences of our action. Such license is, in reality, just another kind of slavery - to self-will.
Freedom from internal compulsions means: freedom from those habits of thought and action that hold us in chains; freedom from our ego-centered activities and ambitions; freedom from the various forms of self-meditation and escape into alcohol, sexual acting out, gambling, eating disorders, and workaholism; freedom from being controlled by hatred,jealousy, envy, sloth, anger and pride.
This is the true freedom of heart for which we yearn. It is a gift of grace. It is the liberation offered by Jesus' death and resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Fr. Thomas Ryan, C.S.P., Four Steps To Spiritual Freedom)


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